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5 types of Mallus we all know

Updated: Sep 27, 2019

Nuha Nasim

So, if you've been in Bangalore for few years, whether it is for college, work, whatever, you are bound to find Mallus. And to make it more special, there are some specific Mallus that you can't forget or understand. I am going to explain 5 types of Malayalees that you are definitely, certainly bound to find.

So, let's go!

1. The one with his undying love for Kerala

This type of Mallu is what you come across at least once, this Mallu loves his hometown to death. (I mean, who is to blame him?). This Mallu just wants to go back home and cuddle in his bed and eat his porotta and beef. And when he says this, most mallus reply back, "same". I mean, "same bro same".

2. The "What accent is this?" Mallu

This brother right here is different. In a different way. You meet him for the first time and it is SO obvious that he is an "Unnikuttan" and better yet, you ask his name and he says "Unnikuttan" (Read that name in a failed American accent). Yet he talks like "ajbsdjsdhfb". Dude, chill. Why do you hate your normal accent so much? Were you not taught to be proud of where you come from? Leave pride, how did you think you could pull off this accent with that name and face?

3. The NRI Mallu

We all know a Mallu, born and brought up in "the gelf" (aka the Gulf). This dude right here is just straight up savage. He compares everything, from the shawarma to the AC to WiFI. You name it, he has already been there and done comparing that. I am guilty of doing it, but , I'm trying to be a good person and trying to stop aaaannd I know better, the shawarma here can and should NEVER be compared to the ones we get back there. (Forgive me, try it once and you'll know what I am talking about).

4. The one who hates being called "Mallu"

This one right here is in denial. Just that. Denial. Denial. Denial. They don't want to be identified as a Mallu, nor do they want to be one. But honestly, why though? Can you do anything about it? So, what do they do about it? They think smartly, because they try to HIDE it. What even? This set of people: I will never understand.

5. The transformational Mallu

This one is just on another level. They walk in and you are just sitting there with your jaws dropped. Cause they have changed and I mean, CHANGED and transformed and what not. Most people that I've met like this, the first thing that pops into my mind is, "How? and why that accent? Dude, weren't you born and brought up in Calicut? Calm your hormones". But, good for them, until they get up their level of arrogance high up there. Then, someone needs to give them a reality check.

So, that's 5 types of Mallu's we find in Bangalore or anywhere. If you guys know more types, share some of it with us down in the comments too! Have a great day! :) This is Nuha, see you! Or like us Mallu's say,  "Enna sheri, kanaam"

Take this quiz below to know how much of a Mallu are you!

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