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How to deal with moving away from home

Updated: Sep 27, 2019

Nuha Nasim

Listen to this while you read this post. :)

​The first few moments right after your mother leaves your room after setting up everything for you, you pretend to be fine. You freshen up and change your clothes, you get ready for bed. Lights are off and when your head hits the pillow, it's not the same anymore.​ It is not your bed, not your room. And everything comes crashing down, you try your best to not cry. You keep holding on like it is the only thing that matters, and in that moment, it really is the only thing that matters. 


​Does this situation sound familiar? Most of us know this feeling, also known as, homesickness. 

The feeling of homesickness is one of the worst because there is nothing you can do about it, until you wait till you get yourself back home, but that is still months away, it seems impossible you will even live that much.

So, I am gonna tell few ways in which you can try and cope with being away from home and I am qualified for this because I have been living away from home for about 5 years and I am doing pretty well, I guess, I hope. (Well, not really, but then again who is really living?)


One of the ways in which you can cope and this is my go to, it is to cry. CRY. CRY. CRY. LET IT ALL GO.  Just cry as much as you want, all the pressure of living alone, all the responsibilities you have to take up suddenly, all the crazy missing happening of home. Let. It. All. Go. You can take my word for it, you will feel pretty damn amazing. You will feel lighter, fresher and much much better and ready to take on the world!

Another way, this might be the right opposite, but hear me out. Ignore it. Try to ignore it as much a possible, I know it has a negative connotation, but ignoring, in the sense, try to not think about it as much as you can. Try to get away from the thought of not being able to live away from home. Take it one day at a time. Spend as much as time as you can on your hobbies or any of your favorite pass times.

Know that, this shall pass. I cannot stress enough on this. This will pass and you will be fine. You will be just fine, I promise you. You will soon get used to your new place and you will be so busy that when you get back home, you will actually miss the place you once thought you wouldn't survive. But mind you, you will miss it only a teeny tiny bit. 

Meet your friends from back home, if they live close by. This is another way to cope up. Talking to your old school friends can bring back so many good memories and make you feel lighter. You will feel like, you finally belong somewhere. Meeting them will feel like a warm hug. 

Last but not the least, CALL YOUR MOM. Talk to her. Cry to her. Whatever you feel, tell her. Mothers ALWAYS have a way of calming you down, a way of telling you that it is okay. Even if she yells at you, you will know that she doesn't know how else to convey her affection.

You guys, who are first-timers staying away from home. You will be fine. You will be okay. You will cope with it easily too. Don't think all of us had it easy because we did not, we may make it seem like that but that's not the story, but eventually, you will learn to live on your own and you have to. It is the inevitable part of life. 

So, don't forget to take care of yourself. :)

Before I start sounding super-wise and boring, I shall sign off. Until next time, It's Nuha Nasim.

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